Local and organic vegetable baskets Eat your veggies and be green all winter

We are taking registrations for Fall and Winter CSA baskets !

Eat your veggies and be green all winter

Did you know that you can enjoy organic and local vegetables even in the winter?

20 member farms from the Family Farm Network, along with our marketing collective, les Bio Locaux, are pleased to offer you winter vegetables, sprouts, apples and other complementary products such as bread and eggs.

If you are receiving this message, it is because either an individual farm or the collective has a drop-off location near you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, places are limited and are going fast!

Please note that the number of weeks and the products offered vary per provider and/or per location.

Rest assured that we will go to all necessary lengths to esure a safe, efficient and enjoyable provisioning of fresh, tasty and truly local fare.